How to Drive a Desk and Maintain Good Health

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It's the New Year. Post Christmas, so I imagine a good many people will be re-considering their habits and lifestyle. While maintaining the feasting mentality of the festive season might lead to piling on the pounds and trouble for your ticker, you don't have to go overboard with unrealistic resolutions like overhauling your habits.

Small changes are easier to implement and easier to stick to.

For many of us in the Western world we have jobs that have us seated at a desk all day in an unnatural sedentary position. I am a freelance writer so my job keeps my bum on the seat for most of the day. We've all heard that sitting can be as bad as smoking. I'm not going to tell you to sip water and do yoga at your desk, although that is a very good idea. For me, the biggest disadvantage of being desk bound is that I find it tends to make me more snacky. So I thought I would compile a list of snacks that are healthier than a biscuit, but still provide satisfaction.

One caveat, I won't be responsible for any mess made while eating at your keyboard. If you want to avoid that, don't eat at your desk. And just sip water and do desk yoga.

7 tasty and healthy snack ideas to fuel your day

Sliced apple with almond butter.

Fruit and nuts always go great together. Slices of crisp, juicy apple slathered in slightly salty, crunchy and creamy nut butter gives you a sweet treat that packs a protein punch.

Banana with peanut butter

Ok this is a variation on the above, but banana and peanut butter have long been a classic pairing - this may be a little messy though. But it’s lighter than a sandwich and more satiating than the fruit on its own.

Medley of raisins, nuts and dark chocolate

I prefer this sweet treat to a biscuit. Nuts are good for satiety and packed with nutrients. A little bit of dark chocolate is fine. A small handful will satisfy a sweet tooth and keep you going until lunch. Just don’t overdo it as dried fruit is still sugar, but at least it’s ‘real’ food (with fiber and vitamins), not unrefined white stuff.

Roast root veg and hummus

I know this takes a bit of prep, but if you have left over roast veggies from your dinner they are a great to snack on the next day. I love how roast carrots get a bit caramelized. I like a raw carrot, but sometimes it’s too much crunching.

Paleo Pancakes

Another leftover snack. For breakfast my kids prefer the ‘big’ pancakes made with gluten free flour, but for a more filling pancake I love these ones

I substitute the apple sauce for mashed banana and they are really tasty. They are the size of the drop scones my Granny and Mum used to make. Pop a couple in a tub and much with mid morning coffee.

Walnuts with cheese

More nuts! Ok I’m sorry if you are allergic, but this is another high protein snack. The high fat content in the cheese with keep you satisfied longer too.

Slices of Roast chicken or a drumstick

Another left-over idea. Maybe not your usual go-to, but if you want to avoid the biscuit tin as it comes round, you are better off with real food that will satisfy hunger.


If you really wanted to be healthy you would eat your food in regular meals with no snacks between, but if you are going to snack, why not make it something healthy! These small habits might help you with the bigger ones.

Rachel Hunter