Why 99% Perspiration might be Wasting your Time
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash
I read a lot of career blogs and often read things that echo this famous quote:
Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration
Thomas Edison
The message is clear: success in anything in this life comes more from hard work than having the right idea or desire. It may follow that anyone can do anything as long as they put their mind to it.
Spend enough time and energy on your goal and you will reach it.
And I am not disputing this outright. It's certainly something I should take into account myself more.
But the truth is if you want to be exceptional at something, you need to have the desire to do it in the first place. The reason you want to do it is because
it comes naturally to you
it suits you.
you enjoy doing it
Simple. You know what I mean (just think of the thing you wanted to do when you were nine years old. That's usually a good indicator).
It starts with talent and desire. So, for example, writing: If you want to write it probably means that you have the potential to become a decent writer.
Business owners or employees sit down to write because they have to, but they can't really be bothered. They might want the content or written information, but they don't want to write. Maybe the written word just isn't their thing and they would prefer to post a video or talk to someone and get them to do it instead.
Those are the people who no matter how many copywriting blogs they read; no matter how many master classes they do; are never going to get any better because they've no desire to learn. No intrinsic drive to take the time to apply the knowledge.
Through sheer will power they might, but you know what? They're probably going to get cheesed off by the end of it and think, 'Why didn't I just stick to what I'm good at?'
This relates to my life and finding my niche. I took a long time to realise I needed to keep it simple. I would often see job opportunities and think, 'I could do that.' I'd give it a try, and being of average intelligence I could make a fist of it, but I just didn't have the passion so in the end success eluded me.
For example I've had loads of catering jobs. I got my first job when I was 13, and hung up my pinny for the last time just over a year ago. I could consider myself an expert by now with all my experience. I perspired a fair amount working over the years, but I never excelled. Quite frankly I wasn't that suited to that line of work.
Luckily I was using my time wisely outside of that to write.
Because if you want to excel at something you have to do what you love. It's as simple as that.
Not easy, of course.
You will also have to do the ninety-nine percent perspiration, but without that one percent, the whole edifice crumbles. It's like the energetic glue that holds it all in place. It's like the strong force in the sub-atomic particles (man, I sincerely hope no physicists are reading this).
So that's my pep talk for today. If you have a passion or desire, but think it's impossible or stupid, it's not. Go for it and you will be great.
And it's ok if you are not in your dream job right now.
Or if you are, but lumbered with content you can't create or copywriting that you don't wanna do. Contact me today.